Far Cry 5 & Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

This may not be the latest entry in the series, but it is still a relevant game which makes use of many advanced DirectX 11 features. For the most part the graphics card is capable of 4K resolutions or if you prefer to hit the 60FPs mark you may wish to turn down some of the details in game which should see you well into the 60s. Overall the RTX 2070 is more than a match for this title.

From the results you can see that Assassin’s Creed Odyssey has the RTX 2080 delivering a median of 44fps, while the overclocked AORUS RTX 2070 delivers 40fps at 4K reoslutions. In percentage it may seem large (10%), but in reality, it is just four frames per second. Hardly anything that will change your gaming experience. That said, for this title, it seems anything short of an RTX 2080 TI will not cope with 4K resolutions as well as you’d expect. With that said this title performs better in actual game play than what the canned benchmark would suggest.

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